Foreignization in Translated Indonesian Children's Literature

Almira Ghassani Shabrina Romala
English Letters Department
Universitas Sanata Dharma, Indonesia

National identity can be reflected by distinctive traditions, culture, and language and also found in literary works. However, the issue is that whether translated literature can maintain the national identity of the original works. Therefore, to answer this problem, this research is aimed at investigating categories of foreignization in the English translation of selected Indonesian children’s literature. Besides, it further unravels the applied methods in explaining the foreignization found to determine the purpose and whether it can maintain the national identity contained in the works. The research result is expected to explicate the categories of foreignization identified in the novel, such as terms of address, fruits, traditional foods, fabric and clothes, and expressions. Meanwhile, the methods applied to explain the foreignization in the works such as in-text description, footnotes, endnotes, glossary are explored to reveal the purpose of the employment of such methods. This study hypothesizes that the foreignization done by the translator to maintain the identity in the works is aimed to introduce and promote Indonesian local culture in how people address others, the richness of local fruits, foods, and also clothes. It also introduces Javanese expression to specifically expresses certain terms or feeling to the wider audience and readers.

Keywords: children’s literature, foreignization, literary translation, translated literature.