Keynote Speakers' Bio

Harris Hermansyah Setiajid

Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, is a lecturer of the English Letters Department, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta. He earned his Sarjana Sastra in Literature from the English Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta in 1995, and received Magister Humaniora in Translation Studies from  Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta,  in  2006. He also works as a free-lance translator and editor with several publishing houses. He is now pursuing a Ph.D. in Translation Studies at Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta.

We'll explore the distinction between 'literary translation' and 'translated literature', as pointed out by Levefere, "not all translated literature is accepted as literary translation in the culture into which it is translated.
Harris H. Setiajid
LSC 9 Keynote Speaker
Jose Duke Bagulaya
Jose Duke Bagulaya is assistant professor of comparative literature at the University of the Philippines Diliman and PhD candidate at the University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law. He teaches the interdisciplinary course “Law and Literature” and has participated in cause-oriented litigation in Manila. A former associate in Mendoza, Bag-ao, and Manuel Law Firm, he has defended Philippine Airlines Employees Association, the late Carlos Celdran, landless farmers in Luzon provinces, and the petitioners against the 2017 martial law declaration in Mindanao Island. He has published in peer-reviewed journals on a wide variety of subjects ranging from literary criticism and film to international law. His books include Writing Literary History: Mode of Economic Production and 20th Century Waray PoetryLinara nga mga Pulong: Mga Siday (Woven Words: Poems), and ASEAN as an International Organization: International Law and Region-Building in Southeast Asia (University of Santo Tomas Press, forthcoming). His legal works include “ASEAN as Wayang Kulit: A Critique of the Constitutional, Extra-Constitutional, and Practical Fetters of ASEAN”, Asian Journal of International Law (CUP, 2019), “The Authors do not Speak: A People’s Reading of the ASEAN Charter”, Asian Journal of Law and Society (CUP, 2019), “Torture and Autobiography: A Scarrian Reading of Self, Rights, and Revolution in Lualhati Milan Abreu’s Dawn”, Law and Literature Journal (Taylor and Francis, 2021), and “Between the Utopian Imaginaries of Literature and International Law: The Insurgent Child in International Legal Discourse and Kris Montanez’ Youth”, Leiden Journal of International Law (CUP, forthcoming). A native of Leyte Island in Central Philippines, he is presently writing a dissertation on civil war narratives and international law in the great rock city of Hong Kong. 
Jose Duke Bagulaya
LSC 9 Keynote Speaker
Interdiscipinarity is not anti-disciplinarity. It thrives through the strengths of the disciplines and their openness to synergize with other fields of knowledge without losing focus. Its goal is toward further specialization not dilution of the disciplines.
Francis C. Sollano
LSC 9 Keynote Speaker